We lost Aunt Audrey a few weeks ago. She died on February 28, and was buried yesterday in Arlington Cemetery, with her husband, Bill.
She lived on the other side of the country, so I haven't seen her for a long time (probably 30 years or more); but, over the last few years, we did occasionally talk to each other by phone.
She was Daddy's older sister. I love this picture of them because it shows how close they once were. But, as happens in many families, they became estranged several years before Daddy died. How sad.
She called me after his death to tell me how much she loved him. Wish I could've told him. I know he loved her too because he would ask me every now and then if I had talked to her lately.
I don't tell you this in order to make you think less of her. In fact, my memories of her are fond ones. She was always loving and kind to me. I can remember as a child being in awe of how different she seemed from everyone else in the family. She always talked about fashion, makeup, and girly things - she seemed so stylish and sophisticated to me. I loved being around her.
It hurts me to know that these two weren't part of each other's lives when they died. If you are reading this, and you, too, have a similar relationship with someone you love, swallow your pride and make peace about whatever it is that is keeping you apart. You always think you have time to fix it later, but, more than likely, you don't. Don't wait until its too late.
Rest in peace, Aunt Audrey.